Venice the city of love and innovation!

Written by Spirtech on 21/04/2022  •  Contact



While she is aboard a Vaporetto, she realizes that she has lost her sunglasses. She asks an inspector where the lost and found center is. Much to her surprise, he knows they have been found and where they are located.

Finally, she didn't waste that much time, despite her absent-mindedness!


Henceforth, the Venice controllers have an app in their phone allowing them to have all the information at their fingertips. They can:

  • Reload Venezia Unica cards and tickets
  • Get realtime information on mobility
  • Issue fines and accept payment
  • Find lost items




To learn the secret of this amazing innovation, one must go back to 2016, when ACTV called on Spirtech to help the Venetian inspectors work with better and less expensive tools.

The project was a sprint in which the design was created by the inspectors with Spirtech in support. By co-creating this solution with them and for them, the inspectors of Venice now have a great app for their daily needs.

A little magic wand from Spirtech and everything becomes easier!