My first is the core of our DNA, my second simplifies your life, my third is eco-responsible and my fourth will make you feel better.
If you haven't guessed, they are Spirtech's 4 main values:
- Security
- Adaptation
- Green
- Quality
My first is the core of our DNA, my second simplifies your life, my third is eco-responsible and my fourth will make you feel better.
If you haven't guessed, they are Spirtech's 4 main values:
Leslie adore voyager et elle préfère utiliser les transports en commun lorsqu’elle visite une ville. Aujourd’hui, Leslie prend le métro à Bruxelles, ville qu’elle affectionne tout particulièrement. Ce qu’elle trouve pratique c’est qu’elle a l’embarras du choix pour acheter son titre de transport.
Today it's Leslie's birthday. Since she was born, she has seen many changes. On the eve of her 20th birthday, she looks back on all the changes that have taken place. Among them, there have been some big changes in mass transport.